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Regulatory policy development

The data collected by the automated ticket system is important not only in terms of revenue collection, but also applicable to achieve greater efficiency in transport services.

Effective policy formation in the field of public transport

Budget expenditures control
Creation of a mechanism for accurate accounting of the performed transport work on the routes of regular transportation for economically reasonable subsidization of the carriers' expenses from the budgets of various levels.
Control over the contracts execution
Creation of a transparent mechanism for the submission of regular routes for transportation at regulated tariffs (unregulated tariffs). Organization of effective control over the implementation of the state (municipal) contract terms.
Transport work arrangement
Formation of objective tender documentation for holding open tenders for the right to obtain a certificate of transportation on the scheduled transport routes

allows to solve socially significant tasks
Economic justification of tariffs
Development of an economically justified tariff menu based on reliable data on the carriers' revenue on the regular transport routes.
Current route network formation
Development of an effective route network based on reliable data on passenger traffic on the regular transport routes and the use of transport infrastructure facilities.
Increasing the public transport attractiveness
Creation of conditions for objective quality control of servicing privileged passengers and reducing cash turnover in transport infrastructure and tourism.
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